This week in PSHE, Marie from the Healthy Minds Team, taught us about our worries. She reassured us that everyone worries and taught us how to control how we deal with strong feelings.
By lwelsh
This week in PSHE, Marie from the Healthy Minds Team, taught us about our worries. She reassured us that everyone worries and taught us how to control how we deal with strong feelings.
By kmcvittie
Year 1 had a fantastic time at the Marine Park this morning! They started with some den building in the forest area. The children’s creativity knew no bounds as they used sticks and leaves to construct cosy dens for their little characters.
Afterwards, they ventured into the play park and had a fun playing with the equipment on the big field. Their laughter and joy filled the air! And what better way to cool off than with a delicious ice cream? They devoured their treats with delight before hopping on the park train for not one, but two thrilling rides!
Year 1 then enjoyed a lovely lunch in the park with their friends. The children’s impeccable behavior throughout the day made us incredibly proud! Well done Year 1!
By katiedixon
Our Monday night dance club recently performed a medley of songs from Matilda to a packed out audience at the Customs House in the South Tyneside Dance Festival 2023. The children have been very enthusiastic in dance club and worked extremely hard to remember all of the routine. For some of our children this was their first time on stage.
During the month of May we honour Mary, the mother of Jesus. On Wednesday, we held our May Procession and service in Mary’s honour, offering our prayers to her. We were blessed with beautiful weather, processing from the school grounds into the hall where the service was held. Father Bill welcomed the children at the start of the celebration and gave us a blessing at the end.
Year 4 led the celebration, with children from each class bringing flowers to place in the vase at the focal point dedicated to Mary. The children shared a reading, prayers, a litany, sang some beautiful hymns, and one of the children crowned Mary with a lovely garland of flowers.
It was a joyous occasion, and we were impressed with the children’s engagement and beautiful singing throughout.
By kmcvittie
Year 1 have enjoyed a week of activities celebrating the coronation on King Charles III. The children started by writing a story called The Runaway Crown, based on the story of the Gingerbread Man. We made collage images of the Kings head and crowns and even designed some royal underpants. The class have also written a special card to The King, wishing him well on his coronation day.
By kmcvittie
Year 1 went to the Open Zone @ The Word to learn more about coding, algorithms and debugging. We used the Lego WeDo equipment to build moving items, and controlled them through the iPads. The children then had a try of creating their own basic animations on the laptops, using the 2 Simple programme.
By katiedixon
Some of our infant and junior children took part in South Tyneside’s Music Festival at the Customs House this week. The infant children performed in the musical ‘Two by Two in a Floating Zoo’ and the junior children performed in ‘Vikings’. They acted, sang and danced brilliantly – we couldn’t be prouder of them!
By lusher
Our new Scholastic Book Club is up and running! Go to to browse the latest books and order online if you wish. For every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 20p in Scholastic Rewards.
Please place your order online by April 28th, 2023. Orders will then be delivered to school and distributed. If we are lucky enough to save some rewards points, we will spend them on some more books for our classrooms and library areas.
After everyone’s generous support at our recent book fair, our fantastic school council members helped to choose some new titles with our reward points. They chose some brilliant books for children in EYFS all the way through to Year 6. Here is our first delivery for the KS2 library area:
By kmcvittie
By lusher
This week, we celebrated World Book Day in school. We talked about our love of reading in an assembly with Mrs Devine (or Mrs De Vil in this instance!) and the benefits of sharing a story. Pupils then took part in some World Book Day activities in class.
Pupils were invited to come into school dressed as one of their favourite book characters. Everybody looked wonderful!
© 2025 Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust.