Welcome to our class page for Year 5!
Year 5, I hope you are enjoying the year so far. You have settled so well into Year 5 and I’m so pleased to see how hard you have been working.
We have lots of interesting topics still to explore and learn about this year. I will continue to update our class page with important information and useful links. I will also post some photos of your work, displays, events and trips across the year.
Please remember:
- Homework is set on a Friday and due the following Friday (usually spag.com and MyMaths)
- Spelling and mental maths tests are held on a Friday
- PE days are Monday and Friday (please come into school in PE kit on these days)
Mrs Usher
RE Termly Letter
Curriculum Information
- My Maths
- Time Tables Rock Stars
- NRich
- Corbett Maths
- Prodigy Maths
- Topmarks
- Transum
- Past SATs Papers
- BBC Bitesize Maths Revision
- Accelerated Reader
- Our School Reading Padlet (book reviews and recommendations)
- Spag.com
- Spelling Shed
- Spelling and Grammar Bug
- Sing with Grammarsaurus
- Past SATs Papers
- Letter-join handwriting
Other Useful Websites
- Real PE – At home programme which supports families to be active, play and learn together.
- Number fun – Maths videos, songs, activities and games.
- Jumpstart Johnny – Jump Start Jonny is helping families stay fit and healthy with his FREE workout videos! There are also mindfulness activities that help children stay calm and downloadable resources that keep children well occupied!
- Super movers – Fun curriculum linked resources to get children moving while they learn.
- Go Noodle – A range of movement and mindfulness videos and games
- duolingo – learn a new language – where in the world do you want to go today