Welcome to Year 4
A very warm welcome to you and all of your families. I am looking forward to sharing your Year 4 journey with you and hope that you have a fantastic year!
In Year 4, we aim to be enthusiastic, hardworking and successful learners. I promise to do my very best for you and I know that you will always try your best too! We have an exciting year ahead of us with a packed curriculum full of interesting topics.
On this page, you will find important information about our Year 4 curriculum, homework and links to useful websites. Parents and carers, you will also find updates about what the children have been learning in school.
Mrs Kennedy
Curriculum Information
Y4 Parents’ meeting – Autumn 2024
Curriculum Overview
Curriculum Overview Spring 2025
Religious Education Parents’ Letters
Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)
Information for Parents/Carers – TTRS
MTC Information Letter for Parents/Carers
Reading for Pleasure
Homework Information:
Your child will be given a list of spellings to practise each week. We will complete spelling activities in class each day to help your child practise their spellings and spelling rules.
In addition to this, your child can practise their spellings online on Spelling Shed. The spellings will be added to Spelling Shed each week. Please encourage your child to practise their spellings at home. The weekly spelling test will take place every Monday morning. Accurate spelling is an important part of the process of your child learning to write and so children MUST practise each week.
Spring Term 2025 Spelling Booklet – 10 words
Spring Term 2025 Spelling Booklet – 6 words
Children will read for 20 mins daily so must bring reading books into school each day. Upon completion of their book, your child will complete a quiz on Accelerated Reader. Children are also strongly encouraged to read regularly at home.
Mental Maths
Children will also be given maths homework each week in preparation for our mental maths quizzes. The mental maths quiz takes place on a Friday morning.
Useful Websites
- Active Learn
- My Maths
- Time Tables Rock Stars
- NRich
- Prodigy Maths
- BBC Bitesize Maths Revision
- White Rose Maths – White Rose Maths are currently providing a daily video and work under the home learning tab on the website’s main page.
- Number fun – Maths videos, songs, activities and games.
- Real PE – At home programme which supports families to be active, play and learn together.
- Jumpstart Johnny – Jump Start Jonny is helping families stay fit and healthy with his FREE workout videos! There are also mindfulness activities that help children stay calm and downloadable resources that keep children well occupied!
- Super movers – Fun curriculum linked resources to get children moving while they learn.
- Go Noodle – A range of movement and mindfulness videos and games.
- UK safer Internet with lots of useful tips click here