We are currently in the process of setting up access to a ‘worry monster’ in each classroom. This is a place where they can write their name on a post-it note with any worry they may have and “feed” it to the worry monster. This can happen throughout the day and teaching staff regularly check the worry monsters, find a quiet place to talk to the child and address any worries that they might have. This is an opportunity for the children to share any worries and for us to try and help and offer support.
While the children are not at school, we are aware that they may still have worries or questions that they might want to share or ask. We want to be able to continue to offer this type of support as much as we can while we are currently not in school. So, we have now set up a dedicated email address. This is for the children to use. They can email us with any worries or questions they may have. Mrs Welsh, Mrs Devine and Mrs Mackley will all have access to the email service, so we will hopefully be able to address any worries.
The email address is ineedtotalk@st-bedes.s-tyneside.sch.uk