Today we finally pulled up our potatoes that we have been growing since April. We planted 7 potatoes and grew a whopping 36! We boiled the potatoes and everyone had a try. They were delicious!
Year 1 Sports Day
Year 1 had a fantastic morning participating in their first Sports Day! The children had the chance to take part in every race and they throughly enjoyed it. We had a wonderful morning!
Chance2Shine Cricket Day
It was wonderful to see children in Years 1-6 enjoying playing cricket together today. Coaches from Durham CCC and South Shields CC led the event, in which it was great to see plenty of smiles as children batted, bowled and practised their catching.
Merry Christmas from Year One
Year One have had a fantastic week getting ready for Santa Claus. We have made moving Christmas cards, calendars and had our Christmas party.
We ended our final day watching Christmas films and singing songs. Mrs Dunn and I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.
Virtual Christmas Concert 2020!
Dear Parents,
We hope you enjoy St. Bede’s School’s virtual Christmas Concert 2020! Many thanks to Mr. Hogan (Y5 and Y2 parent) for giving his time and expertise to record and produce these videos for our families.
Dear Year 1 – 21st September 2020
Hello Year 1,
I have put together some work for you to complete over the next week. There are packs of work available from school, as well as online. The best place to access this is in the Year 1 Google Classroom. I will be keeping in touch with you daily on there. If you need any support logging onto Google Classroom or gaining access to your account, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Work has also been allocated to every child in Active Learn and My Maths
I look forward to hearing from you all.
Miss Langley
Dear Year 1 – 16th September 2020
Hello Year 1,
I have put together some work for you to complete over the next few day. There are packs of work available from school, as well as online. I have linked some of the work in this post, but the best place to access this is in the Year 1 Google Classroom. I will be keeping in touch with you daily on there. Within your pack from school there is a login card, as well as instructions on how to access the online classroom. If you have any difficulties please contact the school.
Best wishes,
Miss Langley
Wednesday 16th September 2020
The Alphabet
Please complete the following activities:
- Watch the videos about capital letters on BBC Bitesize linked here.
- Complete the ‘Rainbow-Letters worksheet in your pack. The children write inside the outlined letters, using a coloured pencil. Then they have another go, writing the letters with a different coloured pencil. Their lines will cross over each other inside the outlines, but this does not matter. The children keep writing the letters using a different coloured pencil each time, until each letter is filled with its own ‘rainbow’.
- Extras:
‘Uppercase-and-Lowercase-Letters‘ worksheet – children circle the matching lowercase letter in each row. - ‘Capital-Letters‘ worksheet – Children colour the shapes which have a capital letter and circle the capital letters in the text.
- A game has been allocated on the Active Learn website called ‘The Alphabet’
Watch the video (linked here) from Oak National Academy. Then try and complete pages 95-102 in your maths pack.
Thursday 17th September 2020
Peace at Last
Please complete the following activities for Literacy today.
- Read the story ‘Peace-at-Last‘.
- After you have read the story, look at the pictures on the Peace-at-Last-Comprehension. Your challenge is to cut out the six pictures and stick them, one beneath the other, in the correct order in your orange exercise book.
- Once you have stuck them in, have a look at the pictures carefully. Can you write a sentence to go with the picture or a few words describing what Mr Bear can hear.
Watch the video (linked here) from Oak National Academy. Then try and complete pages 103-110 in your maths pack.
Friday 18th September 2020
Alphabetical Order
Please complete the following activities for Literacy today.
- Watch the videos about alphabetical order on BBC Bitesize, linked here.
- Complete the ‘Alphabet caterpillar a-to-m and n-to-z‘ worksheet in your pack. Read the words on the leaf and copy them next to the correct letter on the caterpillar.
- Extras:
Animal-Captions‘ worksheet – This work can be completed on the enlarged worksheet, or the pictures could be cut out and stuck into your orange exercise book. You will then have more space to write a caption in the book. - Dictation – Read the following sentences to your child for them to write in their orange exercise books. Remind them to check for capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.
He can jump off the step.
She ran up the cliff.
We must not sniff. - Spelling Test: Children can complete this week’s spelling test on the test page of their spelling booklet.
Watch the video (linked here) from Oak National Academy. Then try and complete pages 111-118 in your maths pack.
Dear Year 1 – 8th June 2020
Hello Year 1!
I hope you are all well. This week you will receive your login details for our new Google Classroom. Once you are logged in to this, we will be able to share work as well as what you have been up to.
Some work has been set up there for the week. However, just in case there are any problems getting you logged in for the first time, I will put some of the work I would like you to complete below.
- Reading: As always, keep reading. You can find Oxford Reading Tree eBooks on Oxford Reading Buddy and Oxford Owl. Remember to take the quiz connected to the book, so I can see how well you are reading.
- Spelling: The summer term spelling are on the class website, along with a printer friendly version. You can then complete the activities connected to these spelling on Spelling Shed.
- Grammar: Please complete the ‘Grammar – Y1 A’ Test on
- The Very Noisy Night by Diane Henry: Visit the Oak National Academy to listen to the story and complete the activities.
- I have allocated a task on My Maths (Position & Turning), please complete this first. There is also last week’s task (Position, Direction & Movement) if this has not been completed.
- Maths Quiz – Positions, Sections 1
- Maths Quiz – Positions, Sections 2
- Maths Quiz – Positions, Sections 3
- Activities have also been allocated to Abacus Active Learn.
Hopefully these will get you off to a good start if there are any problems. Further work has been set for Science, Health and Wellbeing on Google Classroom.
Back to School
This week we will be welcoming some of you back into school. Things do look a little different in our class to what they normally do. I was in our classroom last week removing some resources and moving desks around. It was very strange being in there without you all. We can’t have as many children in class at the moment, so you have now been put into ‘bubbles’. Some of you will come to school on Wednesday and some on Thursday. Some will be in our Y1 classroom and some will be in the Y2 classroom. I have added some pictures below so you can see. You will be welcomed back by Mrs Mackley and Mrs Dunn, and will be completing activities I have set for you with them.
I have added a daily routine and an eBook that you may like to read, about returning to school.
I can’t wait to talk to you all soon on Google Classroom!
Take care,
Mrs McVittie
Dear Year 1 – 18th May
Dear Parents and Children,
I hope you are all well and being very good for your parents. I have been really impressed with the work you have been doing online, some of you have completed nearly all the work that has been set.
I thought I would go over some of the tasks that are set for this week.
If you haven’t done so already listen to the story of ‘The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch’, then see if you can answer my quiz questions.
⭐Well done Max, Adam and Isaac G, for completing the quiz! ⭐
Writing Opportunities
- Write a recipe for something that might go into Mr Grinling’s lunch.
- Write a set of instructions that will teach someone how to make a delicious sandwich for Mr Grinling’s lunch.
As I mentioned in my last letter it is really important that that you keep reading. You have access to Oxford Reading Buddy, where you will find a range of eBooks. I have been able to move a few people up a stage, well done to those! Don’t forget to take the quiz when you have read the book a few times, this way I can see how well you are reading.
(This website can be difficult to access, as it is in such high demand at the moment. I am finding Firefox is the best browser for this site currently.)
Grammar, Punctuation & Spellings
I have allocated games and quizzes on Active Learn and for you to complete. is more test based, so complete a grammar lesson and activity on Active Learn first, then see if there is a quiz connected to it on Most will have a matching quiz. You also have your grammar book which was sent home in your home learning pack. The summer term spellings can be found here and on the class page, and you can test your knowledge of them on Spelling Shed.
As recommended previously Phonics Play, with a focus on phase 5 phonics, is a great website to use. There are links to other phonics games on the Year 1 page. I will be setting some phonics challenges after the half term. You may also find these activities useful:
- Phonics_Pick_and_mix_bingo_board__Phase_4
- Phonics_Pick_and_Mix_Bingo_Board_Phase_3_
- Phonics_Pick_and_mix_Bingo_Board_Phase_5
This week we are finishing off the ‘Time’ topic and moving onto ‘Money’: I have set the following three activities on My Maths:
- Talking About Time
- Comparing Time 1
- Recognising Coins
Well done to those who are completing these tasks each week. If you haven’t completed them so far, you can still do so, even if the ‘due date’ has passed.
There are also activities on Active Learn and Times Table Rock Stars, as well as other activities and websites on the Year 1 page.
Other Subjects:
After half term I will be setting some new topics that we would be covering in school. For now please try and complete the tasks I set out at the beginning of this term (see below).
Plants is our topic for science this term, which would normally involve us going outside to investigate the different plants we have in our area. This can be difficult for some to do safely at the moment, but here are a few ideas of what you can do from your home.
- Think about what season it is. Look out of a window, what clues are there to tell us which season it is now? Which season is your favourite? Why?
- Look for the biggest and smallest plant you can see through your window, or in your garden or home. What is the same about them? What is different? What if there were no plants? Which things in your home would be missing if there were no plants? Don’t forget to check the fridge!
There are also links to this topic under the science section on the year 1 page.
History – Seaside Holidays in the Past
During this topic we will investigate what we like about seaside holidays today, before taking a look at seaside holidays in the past. We will look back to Victorian seaside holidays, why they became popular and how holidays have changed since.
First make a list of all the things you enjoy doing at the seaside. Then watch the following videos:
- Write a postcard home, written over 100 years ago, describing a seaside holiday.
- Children discuss the reasons they might have for going on a seaside holiday NOW and THEN. Think of the different reasons why people might have gone 100 years ago.
- Look at the list you first made of things that you like doing at the seaside. Could children 100 years ago do these things?
- Try completing these Interactive Activities.
During the week I will be phoning home just to catch up on what you have been up to and to make sure you aren’t having any problems with the home learning.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you and missing you all!
Take care,
Mrs McVittie
Dear Year 1 – 21st April
Dear Parents and Children,
Welcome to the summer term in Year 1! I hope that you have had a lovely Easter break and enjoyed a few chocolate eggs.
The summer term is my favourite term, as we start looking at our new topic ‘The Seaside’. Although we can’t be together at the moment, we can still try and do some fun activities related to it. Next week was supposed to be our class trip to Souter Lighthouse. This would link with our literacy text, ‘The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch’. Listen to the story (click here), then see if you can answer my quiz questions (click here).
Writing Opportunities
- Write a recipe for something that might go into Mr Grinling’s lunch.
- Write a set of instructions that will teach someone how to make a delicious sandwich for Mr Grinling’s lunch.
It is really important that that you keep reading. You have access to Oxford Reading Buddy, where you will find a range of eBooks. Don’t forget to take the quiz when you have read the book a few times. I will be able then be able to see how your reading is progressing, and possibly move you up a stage. This website can be difficult to access, as it is in such high demand at the moment. I am finding Firefox is the best browser for this site currently.
Grammar, Punctuation & Spellings
I have allocated more games and quizzes on Active Learn and for you to complete. You also have your grammar book which was sent home in your home learning pack. The summer term spellings are now on the class page, and you can test your knowledge of them on Spelling Shed.
This term we would have been having a big push on phonics, concluding with the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check (normally in June). The Government have said that this check will not go ahead this academic year. We are waiting for information on what will happen in regards to this, and will inform you when we know. Until then it is still important to keep practising, especially those tricky alien words. A great website, that the children have used in class, is Phonics Play, with a focus on phase 5 phonics.
There are links to other phonics games on the Year 1 page.
Our Maths objectives for this half term are:
- Addition and subtraction within 50
- Capacity and volume
- Time
- Money
Each week I will be adding a few tasks to complete on My Maths, well done to those who have completed tasks set so far! There are also activities on Active Learn, as well as Times Table Rock Stars. I will also update the maths section of the year 1 page with any other websites that are useful.
Plants is our topic for science this term, which would normally involve us going outside to investigate the different plants we have in our area. This can be difficult for some to do safely at the moment, but here are a few ideas of what you can do from your home.
- Think about what season it is. Look out of a window, what clues are there to tell us which season it is now? Which season is your favourite? Why?
- Look for the biggest and smallest plant you can see through your window, or in your garden or home. What is the same about them? What is different? What if there were no plants? Which things in your home would be missing if there were no plants? Don’t forget to check the fridge!
There are also links to this topic under the science section on the year 1 page.
History – Seaside Holidays in the Past
During this topic we will investigate what we like about seaside holidays today, before taking a look at seaside holidays in the past. We will look back to Victorian seaside holidays, why they became popular and how holidays have changed since. First make a list of all the things you enjoy doing at the seaside. Then watch the following videos:
- Write a postcard home, written over 100 years ago, describing a seaside holiday.
- Children discuss the reasons they might have for going on a seaside holiday NOW and THEN. Think of the different reasons why people might have gone 100 years ago.
- Look at the list you first made of things that you like doing at the seaside. Could children 100 years ago do these things?
- Try completing these Interactive Activities.
There are lots of links for other subjects on the main year 1 page. It is important that you keep trying to do a little bit of work each day. Until we see each other again, please remember to look after each other, be kind and keep smiling.
Take care,
Mrs McVittie
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