The school nurses came into reception this morning to talk about the importance of washing our hands, eating healthy food and brushing our teeth.
Reception Visit ‘The Word’
Reception had a very exciting visit to The Word this week. They listened to some farm themed stories, took part in farm themed arts and crafts, sang songs and even got to choose their own books to bring back to school! It was so lovely to see the children so excited about choosing and sharing stories with each other, developing their love of reading for pleasure!
Reception Visit Church
Yesterday we walked to church to meet Father Bill who talked to us about baptism. He showed us all of the symbols used in a baptism including the font, baptismal candle and the holy oil. The children then asked Father Bill some excellent questions like, “Why do you light the candle?” We would like to say a big thank you to Father Bill for a lovely morning!
Reception Celebration Day
To celebrate our recent OUTSTANDING Ofsted grading the children had a morning full of wonderful treats to enjoy! They enjoyed playing on obstacle courses, slides and bouncy castles, getting their face painted and eating ice-cream, popcorn and candyfloss. What a brilliant morning we had!
Reception Dance Festival 2024
Last night the children performed a spectacular dance to ‘Waka Waka’ by Shakira at the Customs House Dance Festival! The children danced so confidently on the stage in front of a huge audience – they were amazing!
Mrs Hill and I couldn’t be prouder of our incredible children, a huge well done to you all!!
An Author Visits Reception
Today a very special lady paid a visit to Reception. Pauline Waters, author of ‘Stanley the Seagull’ came to talk to the children all about her job as an author. Pauline read the story ‘Stanley and the Great North Run’ to the children and talked about all of the stages involved in writing and publishing a book. The children asked some very interesting questions and have been inspired to write their own stories! Pauline left the children with one last important message, “everyone can be an author. You just need to start with an idea.”
Thank you Pauline for a wonderful afternoon.
A message from Pauline –
Dear Staff and children
I cannot describe how wonderful it was to talk and listen to you all on Friday. You are inspirational xxx I was just buzzing after my time with you.
Brought back so many happy memories of my teaching years with lovely children.
Thank you and write those stories xxx
Reception Visit the Urban Factory
On Tuesday morning the children in Reception headed to the Urban Factory to take part in a Gymnastics Festival. The children had a great time balancing on beams, learning how to do forward rolls, climbing and moving around on a variety of apparatus.
Reception Celebration of the Word
This morning the children performed a lovely Easter themed Celebration of the Word for their families. They spoke so beautifully about the true meaning of Easter and new life. Well done children, Mrs Hill and I are very proud of you.
Reception Celebrate World Book Day 2024
Reception came into school today dressed up as their favourite book characters to mark World Book Day! They all made a fabulous effort and thoroughly enjoyed sharing their favourite stories.
Reception Visit the Discovery Museum
Reception have been on a very exciting trip to the Discovery Museum to launch our ‘Toys Through Time’ topic. The children started the day by completing a toy trail around the museum and having great fun exploring the science exhibition. After lunch the children took part in a workshop where they solved clues to find missing toys, listened to a story called, ‘Lost in the Toy Museum’ and then looked at a range of toys to see whether they were from the past or the present. The children were exceptionally well behaved and represented our school so beautifully. I would also like to say a big thank you to our parent helpers, we hope you enjoyed the day as much as the children did!
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