Welcome to Year 2
Mrs McHugh and Mrs Dunn warmly welcome you to Year 2 and to our class page. We have an exciting, fun and busy year ahead of us with lots of learning to do! This is an important stage of primary school and the last year in Key Stage 1 and although we have a packed curriculum we’ll make sure it’s a wonderful experience for everyone.
On this page you can find lots of useful information to help you find out what’s happening in school along with links to useful websites, homework and curriculum information.
We will also update the page regularly with little snippets of what we are getting up to in some of our lessons so keep checking in on here and over on our Year 2 page under the ‘News and Events’ tab.
Curriculum Information
Homework Information:
- Homework will be sent out on a Friday. Spelling and mental arithmetic tests based on the homework will take place on a Thursday. Please make sure children have their reading books in their books every day.
Your children will be given a spelling booklet at the start of each term. The booklets are one way that your child can practise their spellings. Using the booklets, children should practise their spellings using the process of Look, Read, Cover, Write, Check. These booklets need to be brought into school every Friday for your child to complete their weekly spelling test.
Alternatively, your child may prefer to play online spelling games on Spelling Shed. Your child’s spellings will be added to Spelling Shed each week. Please encourage your child to practise their spellings using their preferred method. Accurate spelling is an important part of the process of your child learning to write and so children MUST practise each week.
Each child will be read with on a Friday morning and reading books will be changed at this time. Children are encouraged to read at least one book each week but if they read their book before their reading day, it can be changed accordingly. Children should bring their reading book into school every day.
Mental Maths
Children will also be given maths homework each week in preparation for our mental maths quizzes. The mental maths quiz takes place on a Thursday morning.
Online Learning
- Active Learn – Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
- Spag.com
- Spelling Shed
Useful Websites
- Accelerated Reader
- AR Book Find
- Numbots – Number games (login is the same as Times Table Rock Stars)
- Espresso – Cross curricular videos and activities. (Username: student25022 Password: espresso)