Year 4 enjoyed a lovely morning at The Word, completing a Harry Potter themed quiz and choosing some new books to read at home.
Odd Socks Day in Year 4
Here are our Year 4 children supporting Anti Bullying Week wearing their odd socks!
Y4 Youth Village Retreat
We arrived safely at the Youth Village with everyone in high spirits. The Youth Ministry team welcomed us, then we met the other schools and got to know them with some ice breakers. The children were put into teams with their friends plus some children from other schools. The evening meal was lovely then we got settled into our lodge (Bishop Ambrose). There was a fun filled night with lots of high jinx and eventually we all settled down to sleep.
After a breakfast of fruit, yoghurt and toast we headed to base camp to complete a carousel of activities.
The theme of the retreat for the Jubilee year is ‘Pilgrims of Hope’.
Pope Francis asked people to make 2024 a year of prayer and preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year, with the theme ‘Pilgrims of Hope’. The opening of the Jubilee Door marks the beginning of the Jubilee Year. The children will consider how God opens doors in our lives, encouraging us to ‘Ask, Seek, Knock’.
In the carousel of activities, the children enjoyed a selection of craft, social justice, chapel, outdoor, and team building challenges. They explored what ‘hope’ means for us, each other, our communities, and the world as they completed their Pilgrim Passport!
The lunch was amazing. Here are the children tucking in. Spot our surprise visitor!
The children enjoyed some free time before our nature walk.
We had a bracing walk through the woods then played football and rounders.
Our next activity was an Escape Room.
After the activities, the children watched a movie then went to bed. No high jinx tonight just 27 tired children and 2 tired teachers. Silence!! Everyone was super organised this morning – bags packed, beds stripped, breakfast eaten.
There was a final activity where the children shared their ideas about what a planet they designed might look like.
Our last photograph before leaving the Youth Village! A great few days was had by all!
Year 4 Greek Visitor
Year 4 Ancient Greek Workshop from ‘That History Bloke.’
In History, the children in Year 4 are learning about the ‘Ancient Greeks’.
This week, they enjoyed a very interesting and informative visit from Richard, ‘That History Bloke’.
They explored:
- Greek Gods
- Spartan, Athenian, Corinthian and Ancient Greek people
- Life in Ancient Greece
- Greek artefacts
- Greek instruments, games and toys
- Greek words
- Writing the Greek alphabet using ink and a stylus
Richard also serenaded the class with his lyre and panpipes and the children dressed up in the regalia of a Hoplite soldier.
It was a fantastic experience and Richard brought the topic to life with his amazing knowledge and enthusiasm.
Year 4 Library Visit
Year 4 enjoyed their visit to The Word this morning. They completed a quiz about the library then listened to a story ‘The Lost Happy Endings’ by Carol Ann Duffy.
We set up a library ticket for Year 4 and the children were allowed to borrow one book each to read in school. Here they are choosing their books and checking them out.
Year 4 visit to Arbeia
Year 4 had a fantastic visit to Arbeia Roman Fort today and the children were very lucky to avoid the bad weather throughout the day.
First, they enjoyed the ‘Roman Soldier Touch Tour’ which was an interactive tour of the site looking at real and replica artefacts bringing the history of Arbeia and the lives of the Roman soldiers to life.
Then, the children explored various artefacts in the Museum.
Finally, through the ‘Time Quest’ Dig activity, the children took on the role of archaeologists, and using real artefacts, discovered how to interpret excavated finds to explore the past from a range of sources of information to enable them to piece together the story of Roman life along the frontier.
First Holy Communion Going Forth Mass
On Sunday, the First Holy Communion children celebrated their ‘Going Forth’ Mass, where they received their certificates from Fr Bill.
Here they are together and with their Catechists.
First Holy Communion Day
Some of our Year 4 children made their first Holy Communion this morning. It was a wonderful Mass – the Catechists had prepared the children well, the church was filled with families and friends, the children read beautifully and looked amazing! Everyone was so proud of them!
After Mass, the children made their way to the church hall which had been decorated with beautiful artwork, prayers and cards made by their St Bede’s family. The children then tucked into their First Holy Communion breakfast and continued the celebrations at home with their families.
Year 4 singing and signing The Lord’s Prayer (It’s Yours)
Year 4 learnt how to sing and sign ‘The Lord’s Prayer (It’s Yours)’ using British sign language (BSL) when we were at the Youth Village at the end of April.
Here they are performing it at the Youth Village.
Year 4 singing The Lord’s Prayer (It’s Yours) using BSL
Y4 at the Youth Village
We arrived at the Youth Village and were greeted by beautiful sunshine! The children have settled in really well and have been well fed. They have completed a couple of activities so far and have had fun playing out.
Here they are having fun:
The children had a good night sleep but woke up to hailstones this morning! We’ve had all weathers today – hail, rain and beautiful sunshine!
The boys helped with washing up the breakfast dishes then we played a few games.
This morning, the children completed a carousel of activities including making gratitude bracelets for someone they’re thankful to, a team building activity, getting creative with art and learning to sign the Our Father.
After lunch, we walked to the woods to explore and enjoyed being out in nature.
We squeezed every last drop out of the day with more fun and games around the lodges. They must be tired now??!!
Another super day on Friday – a few more photos to share:
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