Year 3 spent this morning baking some delicious fruit crumbles! The children learned and practiced many skills such as cutting, peeling, sieving, rubbing and measuring. They worked really hard and should be very proud of their achievements, they are taking them home to share with their families tonight, we hope you enjoy them!
World Book Day
This week, we celebrated World Book Day in school. We talked about our love of reading in an assembly with Mrs Devine (or Mrs De Vil in this instance!) and the benefits of sharing a story. Pupils then took part in some World Book Day activities in class.
Pupils were invited to come into school dressed as one of their favourite book characters. Everybody looked wonderful!
Y3 – Egyptologists!
Y3 enjoyed an exciting Ancient Egypt learning day led by a History specialist from Durham University. Our young archaeologists used their observational and enquiry skills to form theories about what a collection of objects were used for in Ancient Egypt.
We located Egypt on a map, identified the longest river in the world- the Nile and considered the surrounding trading areas. Children went on to consider what amulets were used for, then made their own from clay.
Then we explored a Mummy and what they can tell us about the individual, their life, their beliefs and culture.
Finally the children enjoyed a drama session which involved the weighing of the heart ceremony. Some of the children became mummified and were sent to meet the Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses who decided whether they would get to go to the afterlife or not!
The children really enjoyed the day and I’m sure this will act as a springboard for our Ancient Egypt learning!
Y3 Gymnastics – Symmetry & Asymmetry
Y3 enjoyed performing symmetrical and assymetrical routines in gymnastics last term. Here are a few of their creative shapes!
Y3 Liturgy- Journeys
Y3 celebrated their Journeys Liturgy with their families today. The children shared their own personal journeys and interests; while thoughtfully acknowledging the people that support them along the way. Y3 read and sung beautifully as we all shared a lovely community spiritual experience.
A big ‘thank you’ for supporting our book fair!
Children’s Mental Health Week
This week, we’ve been celebrating Children’s Mental Health Week. Our infant classes had an assembly from Miss Dixon and our junior classes had an extra special visitor. Lisa, from BlueJay Wellness, spoke to the junior classes about how to connect with others and why our connections help our own and other people’s mental health and well-being.
In our house meetings, we created jigsaw pieces that celebrate how we all connect as a school community. These will soon be on display for all our children to see.
Y3 Coding @ The Open Zone
Y3 enjoyed a day of programming at the Open Zone which is located inside our local library. The children created some exciting codes on a variety of programmes including Scratch. All of Y3 are now extra excited for their future Computing curriculum!
Safer Internet Day 2023
Safer Internet Day 2023
Safer Internet Day 2023 will take place on the 7th of February 2023, with learning based around the theme ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’.
Please see the attached guide with tips on how chatting to your child about their digital life can help them avoid online safety threats.
Our new online book review platform is here!
Pupils can now share reviews of books they have read on our school Padlet for reviews and recommendations. They can also browse reviews from their peers and discover new books they might like to read. There are some simple steps to follow to add a post, which can be found at the top of the Padlet page.
To access the reviews, click the following link or scan the QR code below.
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