Our Geography topic has been learning about biomes and focussing on the Tropical Rainforest biomes.
Recently, the children have been learning about deforestation and the pros and cons this brings.
Today the children were made into ‘suspects’ for the murder of Chico Mendez; a Brazilian rubber tapper, trade union leader ad environmentalist who fought to preserve the Amazon rainforest.
The children were split into groups of three which represented a ‘suspect’ and our team of ‘barristers’ looked at all the evidence and questioned the suspects. Each ‘suspect’ had to answer the barristers questions, argue their point on why they were innocent and then explain who they thought the murderer was based on the evidence.
The team of barristers asked some excellent questions and many of our suspects gave a very convincing argument on how they were innocent and pointing the blame on someone else.
A great afternoon which had all the children engaged and enthusiastic.
ratty and I thought we were in a real courtroom!