Our children became Hoopstarz for Sport Relief and had great fun hula hooping and learning a variety of tricks! It was wonderful to see the whole school involved in healthy activity, with many teachers showing off their hula skills too! Thank you to everyone who kindly donated to Sport Relief as we raised £161 together.
Summer Sports Club 2019!
The children who attended our summer sport club enjoyed a wide variety of activities and had a lot of fun with their friends. Despite the hot weather, everyone was full of energy and showed brilliant enthusiasm throughout.
Thank you for attending so keenly and happy holidays everyone!
Sports Day 2019!
It was wonderful to see our school community come together to support the children in a variety of races on sports day. Thank you to everyone who was there, as you made it a wonderful event on a fine summer’s day.
Y3 Orienteering!
Y3 had a wonderful time orienteering at South Marine Park. The children worked in teams using maps to navigate around the park to find various clues. They also had to complete a variety of surprise challenges, which involved a lot collaborative problem solving. Despite being the youngest year group involved, the children showed a lot of skills to negotiate a challenging course.
And like all organised Outdoor and Adventurous groups, the children were well prepared for a hard earned break, as they enjoyed their packed lunches at lunchtime!
Y3 @ The Urban Factory
For the first time since opening, St. Bede’s and all of Y3 enjoyed the Urban Factory experience. Cheer-leading, Tumbling, Gymnastics, Free-running and Dance were all packed into a fun-filled morning.
It was uplifting to see the children cooperatively work together on routines and produce a final, polished whole class performance on the floor. Everyone also enjoyed, using the wide range of equipment that helped them to develop an exciting variety of skills!
I will be sending out further information to all parents about the opportunities on offer at the Urban Factory before half-term. Who knows, this might be the sport that your child develops a passion and aptitude for in the future.