Congratulations to our five Y3/4 Quicksticks teams who all played fantastically in the District tournament. Superbly, 3 of our sides qualified for the South Tyneside Finals Day (12th November). Everyone played with a lot of skill and determination and we were all very proud of your efforts.
County Final Quicksticks
Our Y4 Quicksticks team represented South Tyneside in the County Finals today. The children played with their usual determination and put in lots of fantastic performances, just missing out on a semi-final spot.
Well done to all of the players and Miss Moffett who has trained the children for the event.
Our Y4 Quicksticks team represented South Tyneside in the County Finals today. The children played with their usual determination and put in lots of fantastic performances, just missing out on a semi-final spot.
Well done to all of the players and Miss Moffett who has trained the children for the event.