As part of our school family ethos, children are all allocated a House Group from Reception through to Year 6. There are six Houses in total, and these are named after the saints; Bede, Bernadette, Clare, Cuthbert, Paul and Teresa. Each House has a nominated Year 6 House Captain and Vice Captain and House Groups meet fortnightly on a Friday morning.
Within these meetings, children discuss and resolve personal and social issues such as; anti-bullying, e-safety, healthy lifestyles, safety and many others.
Our summer term house captains and vice captains are as follows;
- Bede Captain
- Bede Vice-Captain
- Bernadette Captain
- Bernadette Vice-Captain
- Clare Captain
- Clare Vice-Captain
- Cuthbert Captain
- Cuthbert Vice-Captain
- Paul Captain
- Paul Vice-Captain
- Teresa Captain
- Teresa Vice-Captain
Our spring term house captains and vice captains are as follows;
- Bede Captain
- Bede Vice Captain
- Bernadette Captain
- Bernadette Vice Captain
- Clare Captain
- Clare Vice Captain
- Cuthbert Captain
- Cuthbert Vice Captain
- Paul Captain
- Paul Vice Captain
- Teresa Captain
- Teresa Vice Captain
Our autumn term house captains and vice captains are as follows;
- Bede Captain
- Bede Vice Captain
- Bernadette Captain
- Bernadette Vice Captain
- Clare Captain
- Clare Vice Captain
- Cuthbert Captain
- Cuthbert Vice Captain
- Paul Captain
- Paul Vice Captain
- Teresa Captain
- Teresa Vice Captain