In the Autumn term, we asked for children to volunteer to become Mini Vinnies. We were astounded by the huge number of applications received from our KS2 children. It was so difficult to choose between the thoughtful applications of those children wanting to make a difference in their community, so, with over 40 applications, we decided to run 2 Mini Vinnies’ groups. Here they are being commissioned today.
Mini Vinnies Christmas Cards
The Mini Vinnies made Christmas cards for people in the parish.
Mini Vinnies’ Children in Need Raffle and Cake Sale
The Mini Vinnies were fantastic in their new roles with the Year 4 Mini Vinnies leading the Pudsey Bear raffle. Here they are with the lucky winners!
Today, our first group of Mini Vinnies ran our Children in Need Cake Sale. The yummy treats were provided by our Year 6 children and their families. Thank you so much, they were delicious!
The Mini Vinnies have been collecting donations for the South Shields KeyProject and were overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of St Bede’s children and their families.
A huge thank you to everyone for your wonderful donations! These will make a huge difference to a lot of people!
Go Green for CAFOD
The Year 6 Mini Vinnies excelled themselves with their first fundraiser of the school year – the Go Green for CAFOD Bake Sale. The Year 6 children produced some delicious cakes, cup cakes, tray bakes and chocolate dipped apples for everyone to enjoy. Supporting them with hungry enthusiasm and generous donations, the rest of the school tucked into the tasty treats.
A huge thank you to everyone for making the Bake Sale such a huge success – we had fun and raised £151.36 for CAFOD! Amazing!!
St Bede’s Church Nativity
The children from St Bede’s Church Children’s Liturgy, some of the Mini Vinnies and some of our school children put on a fantastic Nativity performance at church yesterday morning.
The actors were great and the Narrators read beautifully. Everything was coordinated by Mrs Wheeler and Mrs Elwood. Well done everyone!
Carols by Candlelight
The choir sang at St Bede’s Carols by Candlelight Service tonight. They sang beautifully and received many lovely comments from the parishioners and visitors. Well done girls!
Advent Candles
Year 2 was buzzing on Tuesday with the chatter of the Mini Vinnies hard at work decorating Advent candles.
On Sunday, as it was the first Sunday of Advent, the Mini Vinnies then handed out their beautiful candles to each family within St Bede’s parish as they went into Mass.
The Mini Vinnies also enjoyed attending the Children’s Liturgy and getting involved in learning about and dressing the Jesse Tree.
May Procession
The Mini Vinnies made some lovely flowers for the May Procession at St Bede’s Church and they were joined at mass today by children making their First Holy Communion as well as children from St Bede’s Children’s Liturgy group.
They processed into church carrying their flowers and placed them around the feet of Mary in celebration of Our Lady.
Forward Together in Hope
As part of the Forward Together in Hope initiative, the Mini Vinnies decorated candles to give out to families of the parish at Mass on the Feast of Christ the King.
Here are the Mini Vinnies hard at work.
- Year 3 Mini Vinnies
- Year 3 Mini Vinnies
- Year 3 Mini Vinnies
- Year 3 Mini Vinnies
- Year 4 Mini Vinnies
- Year 6 Mini Vinnies
- children attending Mass
- children attending Mass
- children attending Mass
- children attending Mass
Today, the Mini Vinnies went to mass at St Bede’s Church. They joined in with the Children’s Liturgy, helped dress the Jesse Tree and gave out candles to each family in the Parish.
Freya read beautifully at the Children’s Mass – she introduced the Jesse Tree and explained that the Mini Vinnies would be giving out candles so that each family could share in some private prayer together during Advent. Lauren and Abbey attended the evening Mass (Lauren attending both Masses) and they did a super job together, with Lauren reading this time.
Mrs Kennedy was so proud of the children. They were so well behaved and prayerful during Mass and there were lots of lovely comments about them from the Parishioners. Well done!